Thursday, 19 April 2012

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Add That 2 The List said...

Good morning, smackers!!!

Anonymous said...

wouldn't it be great if everyone took a day to use your supplies make a card and send it to someone in need rather than sitting in front of your laptop, ignoring real life, to complain about a company from which you no longer purchase???????????????

bring it on. I won't be here to day to read it because I've decided to live a real life today

Rick Geymonat said...

Going down to speak to the prisoners in E-Town, KY today and will be living life as well. Took the day off from work at the appliance factory to give back... Smack Away Smackers!

Anonymous said...

Rick, are you single? I wanna date you!!! You're awesome!!

InkStink said...

Not to worry, 3:29, I can multi task.

Anonymous said...

I'm walking away too for more than a day. Not that I don't love some of the creative writing from yesterday or that I don't like it here. I've just completely written off PTI. No more of their forum for me either. Plus the time suck thing. Too much to do to be here.

Have a great day Smackers.

Yoda the Wise said...

I get many laughs here.
If nothing else, it's great entertainment!

Anonymous said...

To InkStink - thank you for offering up Fresh Ink matches to PTI.
Have got my ordering finger ready.

Chris Simon said...

Oops. Didn't notice the new space. Here's the document that Jennifer K compiled from lots of different people with matches to PTI ink colors from a bunch of different companies:

Anonymous said...

wouldn't it be great if everyone took a day to use your supplies make a card and send it to someone in need rather than sitting in front of your laptop, ignoring real life, to complain about a company from which you no longer purchase???????????????
This attitude / presumption is such a pet peeve of mine. Please consider the fact that some of us (me) have careers that require a lot of "wait time" in between the action. We're not all sitting on fat asses popping bonbons. And even if we were? Thanks for looking out for us truant officer.

Anonymous said...

Seriously Nancy, and I'm not meaning for this to come off snarky really think they want the CS stuff on the main board? Hasn't everything they have done shown you that they just want to hide it all?

I know how fun it is around to here to always assume the worst about PTI, but in case you didn't notice, there is a GLOBAL ANNOUNCEMENT stickied at the top that gives all the information about the new CS forum, including the link. Perhaps, just perhaps, that was viewed as a more appropriate way to direct people to that link??

Anonymous said...

Where is the GLOBAL ANNOUNCEMENT for the threads that were deleted completely?

Anonymous said...

Just an observation:

My husband or any other guy I know would not be caught dead on this kind of blog.

Just saying.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to spend the day at the local humane society and spend the day making cards and crafting with the animals.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the ink chart comparison. I have a lot of the other ink co. Awesome sauce!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yep, I'm off to serve special needs/at risk infants, toddlers and their families. Later Smackers!!

Chris Simon said...

Here's a link to a blog post I did last year, just to show how I used the information in Jennifer's spreadsheet. I took every ink I owned that was in the spreadsheet and made charts comparing the different inks directly to the PTI cardstock colors. It's made it very easy for me to see which matches are my favorites.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to carry Tiny Tim on my shoulders as I walk the streets of war-torn Bosnia. We will release doves after silently praying for the less-fortunate doves who can not fly. We will then listen to country music, cry into our water because we have no beer, and share sad stories with the armless bartender.

Busy day today, folks. Peace out.

Anonymous said...


Any Monty Python fans here? My first thought was, "LUXURY! I don't even *have* shoulders!!"


Chris Simon said...

Wow, I don't have any orphans to feed or anything. Poor me. Oh, I know - I have to bake a zillion cookies for a school event and can't eat any of them because I know the Weight Watchers points for them (darn that recipe builder!)

Anonymous said...

Chris, that doc by Jennifer K is good (I've seen it before).

I disagree w/some of her comparisons, though. Like the VersaMagic Pink Grapefruit is closer to Melon Berry than Berry Sorbet, IMO. It's just a much lighter shade than Berry Sorbet.

Nancy said...

Well I don't have anything truly charitable to do today but this is the last I'll post.

I do enjoy the company here (and some of you say the darnedest things and I enjoy that!) but I've also decided my interest in what happens with PTI has diminished to the point that I won't really have anything worth contributing to the discussion.

I may remember to check out the releases and see if they ever start putting out any stamps I like again. But since stamps are about the only thing I'd be interested in, I'd probably look at second-hand or for trade on SCS instead.

<3 I hope those that still love PTI products get a chance to be happy with them again.

Anonymous said...

I was going to say something snarky about using my craft supplies to end world hunger and stop child abuse and bla bla bla. I agree, it seems like a waste of life to sit around complaining all the time. But you know what? Sometimes the only way to make necessary change happen is to complain, and get bitchy and 'in your face' about it to the people who need to change. As long as PTI keeps treating its customers like crap, there will be a need for the good people here to call them out on it. So complain away, smackers. Because you are the voice of change.

Anonymous said...

Oops! posted this on the previous space.
Dawn is asking what happened to the spinning smiley.

Anonymous said...

This place is all the more important now that PTI have cleaned house on the main board.

Meaning they have cleaned the board and openly stated that complaints will not be tolerated there. Of course, the liklehood of new victims finding this blog are slim.

Some of you really need to stop being so self absorbed and remember the purpose of the blog. It is not all about you and your personal issues with guilt or shame about posting here.

I wish there was some way to get the word out that new and future victimes have a place where they can speak uncensored.

Anonymous said...

Going underground again Nancy? As for me, I'll spend the day spinning yarn from the discarded cat hair on my furniture to make into warm clothing for the poor Eskimo children, all while singing kumbaya and whipping myself with my free hand.

Anonymous said...

About the whiteness of PTI paper, you have to look at whites side by side. I scrap and have tons of whites and yeah the PTI paper is not true white and is pretty much unusable for matching to the white in patterned papers. The brightest white papers I have are Bazzill I think it is called Lilywhite, Neenah solar white and the gina K white. Put those next to a sheet of the PTI white and the PTI definitely has an off white look.

Anonymous said...

Some of you really need to stop being so self absorbed and remember the purpose of the blog. It is not all about you and your personal issues with guilt or shame about posting here.


WTH? Who said anything like that? And now it's altruism to be on a smack blog?

Anonymous said...

I think the other day when Rick said how much longer will the forum be around he was probably talking about this forum. Not as we all assumed the PTI forum. But if this blog folds people can still go to the other smack blog, which is where they used to go until all the PTI smack blogs popped up. Somehow people will find it, they found it before. It is a much more well established blog and unis are definitely not tolerated over there.

Anonymous said...

WTH? Who said anything like that? And now it's altruism to be on a smack blog?

19 April 2012 09:30

Altruism. Your word. Nothing in that quote about altruism. What is the purpose of the blog?

Anonymous said...

9:33, how are unis not tolerated? How can they keep them from posting?

Anonymous said...

They don't stop people from posting, but unis either get totally ignored or jumped on by the group. It makes uni sightings rather rare.

Anonymous said...

Altruism. Your word. Nothing in that quote about altruism.


The whole tone of that post was that people's personal lives were not as important as looking out for more sap victims of PTI. And no one said anything about shame or guilt except you.

Anonymous said...

The purpose of this blog:

"Pti Smack, the place for your ranting and smacking needs about the company called Papertrey Ink. Let them know what people out there think of the company and design teams, as well as their (lack of) customer service. Minimal censorship here- I prefer to leave it up to posters' discretion. The opinions posted on this blog belong to our visitors and we are not paid for our honest reviews ;)"

The first sentence says it all. It's all about self-absorption.

And the only way "let them know" makes any sense is if they read it. Maybe they do, maybe they don't, but I don't think they care anyway.

Anonymous said...

totally off topic, but...anyone else follow TravelingMama's blog? I don't want to be really mean, but are all the pictures she posts of herself a little annoying? I started following because I liked her cards, but I feel like she is a show off, and it's really turning me off from her blog!

Anonymous said...

never had and never will again!

talk about self-absorbed!!! blech.

Anonymous said...

Another thing that bothers me, and wondering if it bothers anyone else...people on Pinterest who only pin or repin their own work that others have pinned! I don't get that! If someone pinned your card, great! Now why do you feel the need to re-pin it to a board called, "oh, look! It's ME!" Seriously, get over yourself!

Anonymous said...

The first sentence says it all. It's all about self-absorption.


Yes, of the complaints/complainers. Not of the unicorns who resent the blog's existence because they can't pull the shame game so easily here. The blog is for the voices that are being systematically silenced, not the doers of good works who want to make the world a better place one hair shirt at a time. They would do better to find a blog that caters to the needs of those who are so self righteous they need to announce their mission to send cards and soup to the needy. lol

Anonymous said...

Jiminey freaking christmas. My cart just dumped...AGAIN. You know, just in case I want to order and use up my 34 reward points. I add stuff to my cart. And poof. Dumped everything. Dammit, Janet! {Rocky Horror reference}

Anonymous said...

Leeeet's doooo the caaarrrt duuuump agaaaaain! Lol.

Anonymous said...

This blog is so much more fun when the hilarious people are out. What time do they come on? I'm not such a big fan of the smacker-smacking smackdown show.

Anonymous said...

This blog is so much more fun when the hilarious people are out. What time do they come on? I'm not such a big fan of the smacker-smacking smackdown show.

19 April 2012 10:35

oh the irony.

Anonymous said...

LMAO at 10:34. I didn't even think about "let's do the cart dump again" That is freaking hilarious!!

Anonymous said...

Amazing... Can someone explain to me how it is possible for a package ordered on release night to take four days to arrive at the Cincinnati PO? But yet other people have their packages from the same night... Mind boggling to me.

Anonymous said...

^^They were probably out of something you ordered and were waiting on the manufacturer's shipment to arrive.

Totally not PTI's fault. Either yours for inquiring, or the mfr's for dragging their feet.

Chris Simon said...

I've never been able to understand why it takes so long for packages to get from PTI to the post office. If you look on Google maps, they're only about three blocks from the post office! Even little old me can get the post office to come and pick up my outgoing packages, just by asking. Surely the post office comes by to get PTI's? So if they're not picking them up in a timely manner, the only logical conclusion for me is that the packages are not ready to be picked up.

Anonymous said...

^^^Totally the manufacturer's fault for requiring a stupid thing like payment before delivery.

PTI's always had serious issues with stock, but it seems like items are taking far longer than usual to come back in stock. And, when they are re-stocked, quantities are very limited.

Back when I was working in corporate finance, one of my jobs was to review potential accounts and assess the risk the customer posed to our bottom line. Time after time, I saw troubled companies fall into this cycle:

1. Company depends on credit terms to keep operating; typical terms are 30 - 60 days, depending on industry standard and company's credit worthiness.

2. Company begins to struggle financially and can't pay all suppliers in a timely fashion. Smallest, least essential suppliers are not paid so that largest and most vital vendors can be paid.

3. Small vendors switch credit terms (pre-payment, COD, etc.) or revoke credit altogether and company now has to use money it does not have to receive non-vital, but still essential, services and supplies.

4. This further causes problems with cash flow, and even vital vendors are not able to be paid on time.

5. Vital vendors begin to switch terms or revoke terms altogether; company now has a difficult time replenishing inventory or receiving components vital to its production.

I wonder if this is a scenario the brilliant businesswomen of PTI are familiar with?

Rick Geymonat said...

^^^^^so far off-base it's not even funny...

Anonymous said...

So please set us straight, Rick. Why *does* it take an unusual amount of time for packages to get from PTI to the post office? No sense in us speculating any longer.

Anonymous said...

By Rick's comment I think he's saying that they don't have a problem with money.

Anonymous said...

To hear papertrey tell it, they have no problems.

Even the infamous "underlying problem" with the anniversary sets ... you know, the issue that took a YEAR to resolve (assuming it is even resolved??).....was far too exceptionally complex to ever be revealed to the customer.

So, although it may *LOOK* like they are a hot mess ... no, no they aren't. It's the customer that is confused. It's the post office. And the suppliers. And Julie is "misunderstood". And the customers are lying about their problems. I do see the pattern here.

Anonymous said...

By Rick's comment I think he's saying that they don't have a problem with money.
Ok, I really don't want to be one of those people who is never happy no matter what (but...) in context of PTI's action over the last two years, neither interpretation restores my faith in PTI.
*IF* the previous poster was correct and this is an indication of financial trouble = not cool.
*IF* Rick was implying that money is no problem, and *if* that is true, WHY do to PTI PTB continue to act like the world's cheapest penny-pinching asswipes?? (SASE, anyone?) = not cool.

Anonymous said...

The wealthiest people are often the cheapest - it's an old caricature and greed is at the heart of it.

Anonymous said...

By Rick's comment I think he's saying that they don't have a problem with money.

19 April 2012 13:32

Absolutely no way to conclude that from Rick's comment. But then the question was posed to Rick not a know nothing uni.

Anonymous said...

The wealthiest people are often the cheapest - it's an old caricature and greed is at the heart of it.

19 April 2012 13:52

Oh do be quiet. Your little empty headed cliches are adding nothing to the convo.

Anonymous said...

The shipping one is actually easy to figure out. I used to be involved in shipping product for years. It's either lack of hands on deck or total lack of organization.

Shipping actually became the easiest part of my job once I mastered it. And you have to keep up with shipping options all the time. But it does take some learning (all the options, picking the best ones.) and trouble shooting to get things right.

PTI quite possibly have the lousiest track record on shipping, re: price, delivery times etc, of all the online craft businesses out there. They are more comparable to the expense and delivery time of sold on TV products. And we all know how bad they are. LOL.

Anonymous said...

So, although it may *LOOK* like they are a hot mess ... no, no they aren't. It's the customer that is confused. It's the post office. And the suppliers. And Julie is "misunderstood". And the customers are lying about their problems. I do see the pattern here.


I took a few psychology course in college. We read an interesting study on sociopaths in the business world called ``corporate psychopathy``. You would be surprised how many CEOs carry psychopathic traits. A couple of traits:

- the failure to accept responsibility for one's own actions but to rather deflect or accuse others

-lack of empathy

there are a lot more traits. But to see them in action, one can make a better assessment.

Anonymous said...

14:25 - That is interesting. So, are there more psychopaths in the corporate world than anywhere else? i.e.: Is that a trait that got them to the top?

Anonymous said...

I took Rick's comment to mean they are not in trouble with their creditors/suppliers, not to mean "Money is no object." Of course finances have to be factored in re: how much of what new product to order, but there's a big difference between that and being past due with suppliers, as the poster speculated.

Anonymous said...

I'm still hoping Rick answers the question posed to him. Surely it's not top-secret how they get their packages to the post office. Just a general jist of things to help us understand the delay.

Chris Simon said...

Yes, the.dark.stamper, I'd be interested in a Knock-Off SAF. Back when SAF was first announced, I was planning to attend a local event for it, but I'm no longer interested in ordering the materials. I think there are probably others our local group that might want to participate with us as well. Great idea!

Anonymous said...

dark stamper, about another smack blog: What? You don't like US?

I think the PP just meant the main smack blog, Smack Center or whatever it's called. I don't know of another PTI smack blog.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of psychology, I think it is interesting how much people here think they are owed an explanation for everything, like how PTI gets their packages picked up. I've seen several calls for PTI to explain everything, be transparent, post messages everywhere. They don't owe us any descriptions. I think it's because PTI has a forum, and we think we know Nichole, that we think we have a right to be too involved in the company.

Anonymous said...

With all of the arrows being flung at the PTI target, one or maybe a few, have to be close to the bullseye.

Anonymous said...

15:04 In my opinion if someone wants my money I'd like assurance that my order is not a f'd up mess that will take a ridiculous amount of time. Maybe you are more of the "surprise me" type. Why shouldn't a customer demand the information required to make an informed decision? Besides, I think the "general JIST" of the matter was all that was asked. To many of us that is not top-secret, sensitive stuff.

Anonymous said...

No, 15:04, it'n not because PTI has a forum or that we think we know NH. It's because PTI has a long history of lying to the customer. That's why people demand an explanation.

Anonymous said...

14:25 - That is interesting. So, are there more psychopaths in the corporate world than anywhere else? i.e.: Is that a trait that got them to the top?

19 April 2012 14:38


The study only compared the corporate world and prison. It mentioned that prison only had 23% of its population being psychopathic and the corporate world was greater than that. I would go as far as saying that it is a desirable trait to head and lead these fast pace corps. There are a lot of interesting articles online. Check it out.


Zendesk Dana said...
For anyone who is interested in my refund saga...

Most recent e-mail from Julie:

" as a one-time courtesy, I will refund your gift certificate. Please be aware that it can take anywhere from 2-7 business days to fix account issues. That is true in any business."

Hmm...As a ONE TIME courtesy to me... Because their website "ate" my balance, I will get a refund. Wow.

Also, it seems that my "rewards points" are just lost now, because according to Julie no one in their company can add or subtract those from accounts - again, for our protection.


``as a one-time courtesy, I will refund your gift certificate.``

this sent up a HUGE red flag for me.

Anonymous said...

We're all capable of assuming. Rick is the only one of us who has any facts. Giving him the opportunity to set the record straight is not asking too much. He wants to be helpful after all.

Of course, when he doesn't answer the question then it's fair game to speculate. I like this game. I think the warehouse is a child-labor sweatshop and the poor beaten children can't reach the door handle to let the postman in.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't care HOW PTI got packages to the shipper if they actually did it in a timely fashion.

I wouldn't care how many people PTI employs, if my orders were properly fulfilled and shipped in a timely fashion.

I wouldn't care about PTI's finances if they didn't expect me to pay for THEIR errors, or act like they're doing me a favor by rectifying an error.

Mostly, though, I wouldn't care about PTI if I stopped giving them my money, so I guess that's the answer to all of my questions.

Also, Rick: I think you've let your real self show over the last few days, and let's just say I can see how you'd be attracted to a passive aggressive thunder---- like Julie. Birds of a feather and all that.

Your admission that PTI is doing so very well financially (because that poster was WAY OFF BASE) just made it crystal clear that YOU SIMPLY DO NOT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOUR CUSTOMERS.

I hope you all get everything you deserve :)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

With all of the arrows being flung at the PTI target, one or maybe a few, have to be close to the bullseye.

19 April 2012 15:11

Based on how wildly wrong the speculation here was about Rick, I'd have to say, "Nah."

Anonymous said...

15:15 Did you read the posts from yesterday? Someone suggested responding to Julie, "That's okay. My order was a one-time courtesy to YOU."

I might have paraphrased, but it was hilarious!!!

Anonymous said...

It's called PUBLIC RELATIONS. Sending condescending emails (to be passed around the group), and constantly screwing up without explanation is just odd. Only a unicorn would accuse us of being too nosy when we ask wth.

Look how an ounce of PR worked for GinaK. She em'd her customers, said orders would be delayed, the end.

I don't hear anyone making an issue about that. Most simply shrugged and said, "ok. no prob. thanks for letting us know." PTI makes things much harder than they need to be.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

15:04 In my opinion if someone wants my money I'd like assurance that my order is not a f'd up mess that will take a ridiculous amount of time. Maybe you are more of the "surprise me" type. Why shouldn't a customer demand the information required to make an informed decision? Besides, I think the "general JIST" of the matter was all that was asked. To many of us that is not top-secret, sensitive stuff.

19 April 2012 15:12


We already know the gist, it's PTI's published shipping policy, which says if you order on the 15th-25th, it could take up to 7 business days for your order to ship. Other times 24-48 hrs. At least I think that's the stated policy, I'm too lazy to go look now.

Anonymous said...

We already know the gist, it's PTI's published shipping policy, which says if you order on the 15th-25th, it could take up to 7 business days for your order to ship. Other times 24-48 hrs. At least I think that's the stated policy, I'm too lazy to go look now.
Awesome! So we agree that a YEAR falls well outside that guideline. Let's hug.

Anonymous said...

LOL, 15:25. The anniversary set fiasco is different, but you made me laugh.

Anonymous said...

15:27 Lol. I am glad you laughed. I laughed when I wrote it. Not to beat a dead horse, but the anniversary set shouldn't be any different than regular orders. In fact, it should have been easier because they knew it was coming. PTI should have anticipated stock and shipping from the time they thought up that incentive. For me, that is the number one reason I can not help being curious about what the issue really was. In normalsville there is not one possibility that makes sense. I want to be blown away with a revelation so spectacular that I completely understand the situation. I guess my mind just has no place to file that ...

Anonymous said...

Rick, I think you are more than awesome!!! I would date you in a heartbeat! bein totally serious here.............

Anonymous said...

why is the anniversary set fiasco different? they still ship them don't they? Or not. As the case may be. And that has been going on since AT LEAST 2008.

Anonymous said...

^^^ (come here horse, I want to have a whack!) Add to the weirdness that the owners would rather go down in flames than reveal the issue ... makes a gal wonder.

Anonymous said...

Rick, I think you are more than awesome!!! I would date you in a heartbeat! bein totally serious here.............
Smack blogs: a great place to meet angry chicks.


Anonymous said...

oy, I think I just threw up a little in my mouth c/o 15:41

Anonymous said...

I can't think of any company of any kind I'd fight this hard to save.

If they're such losers then why don't you all just stop buying and walk away?

(It's not that I don't admire the effort. Maybe I'm just lazier ;-)

Anonymous said...

"I want to be blown away with a revelation so spectacular that I completely understand the situation. I guess my mind just has no place to file that ..."

Well said - I can relate to that.

Anonymous said...

Yeah ... 15:41, I really hope you're laughing with us because you've just given us a lot of material to work with. Not that there is anything wrong with Rick ... just the whole do I say this delicately...(somebody give me a beat)

"If you like Pina Coladas ... getting' caught in the rain ... if you can't get your order ... and they forgot your Spring Rain..."

Anonymous said...

Yay! The funny smackers are here!!!

(not sarcastic!)

Anonymous said...

"If you like waiting up til midnight ... to see your cart dump again ... then I'm the lady you've looked for ... "

Donna C. said...

I pin some of my own cards so that after I give them away, I can go back and make a duplicate. I don't have a great memory and a picture works for me.

Rick Geymonat said...

wasn't that a song about someone trying to cheat with their own spouse?

Anonymous said...

I just think the anniversary set was too big/complicated logistically for them. It was probably not one spectacular thing, but rather a combination of issues: confusing records in some cases (diff emails, etc), mistakenly thinking they had sent a set when they hadn't, having actually sent some but those were never delivered for whatever reason, and any combination of those plus more. But when people started complaining they hadn't received a set, PTI should have said, "Sorry--here's one now" and sent another. And they should have sent international sets with tracking after the first went missing.

Anonymous said...

15:51 Not necessarily. It was about the good old days when people used to meet in the want ads and not on smack blogs. Kids these days.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Rick, I think you are more than awesome!!! I would date you in a heartbeat! bein totally serious here.............

19 April 2012 15:41

15:41, I have to say I agree with you.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Nichole tell us that packages are processed and shipped in the order that the orders are received? LOLOLOLOL!

Anonymous said...

If you two lovebirds work out - my advice to Rick? REMEMBER. THE. ANNIVERSARY.

To a PTI Smacker that is a very sensitive issue. Mazel Tov.

Rick Geymonat said...

I was tired of my lady, we'd been together too long. Like a worn out recording, of a favorite song....etc...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

If you two lovebirds work out - my advice to Rick? REMEMBER. THE. ANNIVERSARY.

To a PTI Smacker that is a very sensitive issue. Mazel Tov.

19 April 2012 15:55


LOL. Anniversary.

And Rick is right, that song is about cheating on the spouse.

Anonymous said...

Ummm, how would Rick know PTI's finances? Well maybe he got part of Julie's company in the divorce settlement. That would give him a vested interest to come here and manage us outspoken past customers. Hmmm.

Anonymous said...

15:57 yeah, but they (the spouses) find each other again through the ad. I'll bet that was awkward.

Anonymous said...

rick, you sing it baby

Anonymous said...

Maybe Rick took all the damn postage stamps before he left. We'll find some way to make this Rick's fault. Mark my words.

And his little dog too... (do you have a dog?)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Ummm, how would Rick know PTI's finances? Well maybe he got part of Julie's company in the divorce settlement. That would give him a vested interest to come here and manage us outspoken past customers. Hmmm.

He already said he didn't. Quit starting rumors.

Anonymous said...

OK Smackers... HUDDLE. We have a new, super-secret plan. Lovergirl from post 15:41 you marry Rick and take over his interest in PTI (that we've decided to assume he has) ... then MAIL SHIT OUT.

Go team!!!

Anonymous said...

Haha @ And his little dog too.

This blog is so funny.

Anonymous said...

eeewww, it's getting postively embarrassing around here. Is it trolls, unis or nauseating old bags who should know better at their age? Now waddle off and get the batter on the spam slices ready for not so hottie hubs coming home from the mines.

Anonymous said...

not an old bag by any means. speak for yourself

Anonymous said...

Pretty limited view of Smackers, 16:08. Don't spoil the funny posts :p

Anonymous said...

So Rick's back. DId he say why the financial analyst was way off base yet?

Anonymous said...

Battered Spam - eeww. that's the grossest thing I've read in a long time.

Rick Geymonat said...

Maybe I could start a new blog and post the answers to all the questions that are being asked of me so I don't have to keep repeating them. :)

As hard as it is, I try not to answer any specific questions about the way PTI does what they do, because I am certain that it is not my place to talk about it. It does get somewhat difficult though, when people post things that are outright absurd.

I have been getting more involved lately, setting up the zendesk system, trying to learn more about the store site so I can help with some of the issues, etc... but I just don't feel right talking about things that are not under my direct the forum, zendesk, etc...

Anonymous said...

Nah, the cringe-worthy old hags kissing Rick's ass are the grossest thing I've read. I love me some battered spam!

Anonymous said...

I'm more of a battle-ax type of gal, myself. BATTERED SPAM. LOLOLOL.

Anonymous said...

maybe everyone should copy & paste what Rick wrote somewhere and just quote it whenever those questions come up. But Rick you had to think that saying "way off base" would beg the question. Don't be teasing no smackers - they bite.

Anonymous said...

Soooo ... telling us "the post office picks up once a day" or "they take packages to the post office once in a while" is classified info? Really?

Rick Geymonat said...

it's hard sometimes to practice restraint of pen and tongue....

Rick Geymonat said...

16:25 I live in Louisville, KY and the PTI warehouse is in Cincinnati. I have no idea when the post office comes, how many times, etc.... I work from here and have been to the warehouse exactly 2 times in the last 3 years...I don't know anything about their shipping process...

Anonymous said...

Well, I suppose we could all go back to the forum and browse the thread, "What is your favorite adhesive and what do you use it for?"

I think I would flatline into a coma ...

Anonymous said...

"way off base" just meant they weren't behind in paying suppliers. Right, Rick? (you can just nod, we won't tell)

Anonymous said...

I get that, but you mean to say you never once, while in Cincy, observed that one thing?

Anonymous said...

How the warehouse did things 3 years ago is probably pretty different from how they do it now.

Anonymous said...

OKay, so let me recap: PTI chooses to act in mysterious, f'd up ways, and we're to accept that no questions asked. Got it.

Rick Geymonat said...

I just have never been involved in that stuff...I would imagine they ship out packages pretty much like anyone else does... The difference being that most companies do not have a monthly "release", where a good portion of their business happens within a 24 hour period...

Anonymous said...

16:30 Lord ain't that the truth!! And we don't need to be there to see the results!

Nancy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

PTI's refusal, despited repeated questioning, to answer very SIMPLE questions about how things work there leads me to only one conclusion.

Rick Geymonat said...

16:31 try and pick a fight if you want. I m just saying it is not MY PLACE to share how they do business. You want answers?? Maybe send an email to them and ask them your questions...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

PTI's refusal, despited repeated questioning, to answer very SIMPLE questions about how things work there leads me to only one conclusion.

19 April 2012 16:33

They don't owe us answers. if you don't like how they do things, shop somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...

PTI's refusal, despited repeated questioning, to answer very SIMPLE questions about how things work there leads me to only one conclusion.

19 April 2012 16:33

They don't owe us answers. if you don't like how they do things, shop somewhere else.

19 April 2012 16:36


Thanks, Captain Obvious.

Anonymous said...

Rick, I'm free on Saturday, I can be in KY with no problem.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Captain Obvious.

It appears to be too complicated for some here to grasp.

Anonymous said...

Hi Nancy, I see you are incognito again.

Anonymous said...

Maybe send an email to them and ask them your questions...


Oh NOES......that has to be Nichole speak. I see it runs in the "family". We all know the translation for send them an email is "fuck off and MYOB Oh, and HTH".

Anonymous said...

nonymous said...

Thanks, Captain Obvious.

It appears to be too complicated for some here to grasp.

19 April 2012 16:40
sounds more like miss high and mighty with integrity ohmathgoddess

Anonymous said...

Either there is a major Uni in the room or some of Rick's posts here are anon. Just an observation.

Rick Geymonat said...

I don't post anon

Anonymous said...

16:31 The difference being that other companies' packages ARRIVE. Lol.

Anonymous said...

If you have something useful to tell us, spill. Otherwise, quit the coy crap. It got old days ago.

Oh I know they are briliant and I must deny when I see ridiculous things said but I have no idea why it takes 4 days for a package mailed to go from the warehouse to the post office. It can't be money problems. Oh no. Can't be stupidity. Oh no. Can't be lies. Oh no.

bye bye rick. go back to selling appliances and fiddling with zendesk and editing forum responses and flirting with sad lonely ladies so julie can send more condescending emails and accomplish nothing.

Anonymous said...

Starting tomorrow, everything 40% off in the entire Sweet n Sassy stamps store with the code Dan40. They carry the Neehnah Kraft cardstock that I like.

Anonymous said...

16:33 I'm not trying to pick a fight. Not knowing how a business that does 100% of it's sales online SHIPS is kind of not knowing shit ...

I've sent four emails to CS in the last year. NONE were answered beyond the auto reply. Thanks, but no thanks.

Rick Geymonat said...

^^^you so crayyyy....

Anonymous said...

They don't owe us answers. if you don't like how they do things, shop somewhere else.


^^^^^ that's a uni comment?

Rick Geymonat said...

and the lonely ladies do not appear to be sad... you seem to be sad... stop being so sad...

Anonymous said...

So, Rick, tell us what the problem is at PTI? If it is run by 3 brilliant business women who have no financial troubles, do not lie, etc. then WHAT is the problem?????????????

Anonymous said...

The whole point about them not owing anyone an explanation of how they run things is that none of this shit would be being asked if they did, you know, run things. I don't hear people asking these same pointed questions of other online stores. They only get asked when there are major fucking issues. So yeah, they don't owe anyone an explanation. How about this for a plan: fix the effing issues and look forward to no more impertinent questions from the hoi poloi.

Anonymous said...

I think the answer is for PTI to stop having the stupid monthly releases. It's all an ego trip for them anyway.

Anonymous said...

They don't owe us answers. if you don't like how they do things, shop somewhere else.
You realize, don't you, that if everyone "shops somewhere else" that the company will go out of business? I'm not sure who you are rooting for here...

Anonymous said...

same old same old blah blah blah and by the way, just because i think rick would be fun to hang out with doesn't mean im a sad lonely old lady

Anonymous said...

And Rick, put down the bong.

Rick Geymonat said...

16:57 lmao

Anonymous said...

Ordered from WPlus9 last night. Got a tracking number this afternoon. Got scanned at the PO tonight. ETA Monday. Ordered from PTI at 11 pm on the 15th. Got a tracking number on the 17th. Hasn't moved since. ETA God only knows. Maybe this is why there are so many questions about shipping procedures at PTI. Just sayin...

Anonymous said...

OK Rick, let's start fresh. You say you are here to help. We have simple questions. We can't seem to merge the two. What can you help us with?

Anonymous said...

same old same old blah blah blah and by the way, just because i think rick would be fun to hang out with doesn't mean im a sad lonely old lady

19 April 2012 16:56

No. The fact that you think a divorced man who you know next to nothing about and that you met online on a smack blog would be "fun to hang out with" means oh so much more and goes so much deeper than that. :-O

Rick Geymonat said...

I can help with anything I control, and anything I have direct knowledge of that is not "business specific". Zendesk, Forum, general store issues... I can also dispel rumors about me :)

Anonymous said...

16:50 I am hoping they have gotten bunch of PTI customers. Have they sent you a nasty email? Asked you to provide proof that you actually ordered? Was their website a 1980 Atari PONG game?

I do wish you luck with your order. Unless all the other questions are "yes", then you are still coming out with a better experience. HTH!

Anonymous said...

17:00 Lol!!!

Anonymous said...

No. The fact that you think a divorced man who you know next to nothing about and that you met online on a smack blog would be "fun to hang out with" means oh so much more and goes so much deeper than that. :-O

ummmm like i'm being serious? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.get over yourself hun

Anonymous said...

17:02 Fair enough. I think all of my questions are "business specific" ... that's why I got here. Wouldn't all other questions be stalkerish in nature?? So, is it fair to surmise that you want to help but really can't? I'm not trying to smack you, or run you off ... just keeping it real.

Anonymous said...

Rick, if you're not going to give us specific answers then shut the hell up and stop giving the vague ones that only lead to more speculation.

Anonymous said...

Received Ellen Hutson order 41 hours after pressing submit button. Tracking notice received 3 hours after placing order.

Anonymous said...

17:05 Everytime you say "hun" I think FLO from Mel's diner.

Anonymous said...

sometimes when I start feeling sad, I stop being sad and start being AWESOME. True Story. #barney

Rick Geymonat said...

17:06 so angry...

Anonymous said...

used to be PTI only. ONLY.

Added up my purchases for 2012 so far.

Ellen Hutson: $290
WPlus9: &79
WMS $66
I Heart Papers $120
LSS $200

this is money that PTI would have had. this is the language that matters.

Anonymous said...

and as a rep of PTI, Rick owes us an apology. Calling us names?? Wow!

Anonymous said...

Rick: You say, "no, it's not like that..." but then you won't explain why. If it's not your place to say then don't say it at all. All you are doing is trying to shush us without telling us why we don't need to be questioning things.

Rick Geymonat said...

Fair enough. I think all of my questions are "business specific" ... that's why I got here. Wouldn't all other questions be stalkerish in nature?? So, is it fair to surmise that you want to help but really can't? I'm not trying to smack you, or run you off ... just keeping it real.


I feel like I have been helpful to quite a few people here and elsewhere. I may not be able to answer all of your questions, but I have been able to resolve customer service issues, etc...

Anonymous said...

My last order with PTI was Feb. 15, 2012 in order to use up reward points and no cash given to them.

Since then (and these are approximate):

$40 to Wplus9
$80 to Waltzling Mouse
$300 to Impress
$200 to Ellen Hutson
$70 to I heart stamps
$60 to My Fav Things
$70 to Gina K (all cardstock)
$120 to Merri Artist (all copics and refills)
$50 to LSS

Anonymous said...

"I feel like I have been helpful to quite a few people here and elsewhere. I may not be able to answer all of your questions, but I have been able to resolve customer service issues, etc... "


And why have you, who as you say do not represent PTI, taken it upon yourself to fix their problems which THEY should be the ones fixing? Yes, your help is appreciated. But why won't THEY do it? It seems a little ridiculous to me.

Anonymous said...

I wish I had your budget!! (PTI should wish so too!)

Rick Geymonat said...

You know I hadn't considered that I served no purpose here until now.
Thank you for pointing it out. I always assumed that if I brought a spirit of helpfulness to this blog, that I would be able to make a difference for some of you. I try to be helpful in all that I do. I certainly do not call anyone names...and I try not to get upset when outright lies are spread. But I am human.

I believe my being around here is pointless and a complete waste of time. I cannot resolve issues if I am not trusted or wanted.

I will be glad to help any of you in the future if you send me an email or send me a pm on the forum. Hopefully you will all see the change you are looking for in the future.. Good luck in all that you do.

Anonymous said...

Rick ... I hope you don't leave.

I, for one, DO feel you've been helpful and I like that you listen to things and throw in some humour (not stalking you ... LOL). Please don't be goaded by the critical posts... ok?

Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone is spreading lies intentionally. Darkness is the absence of light. PTI has not enlightened us on ANYTHING. No, we don't need to know every blasted detail. It would be nice, however, to be treated like adults with legitimate questions. PTI not doing that has led to a frenzy of speculation. Frankly, much of it makes perfect sense and I have no other info to make sense of their irrational actions.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it is "spreading lies" to interpret Julie's email to Zendesk Dana as anything but condescending. How ELSE can it be interpreted? To give someone what is rightfully theirs as "a courtesy"?? come on. Rick, you can't really think that we are being unfair here. If we are then ENLIGHTEN us. Please. Why is that so wrong? We WANT to understand, and be positive, and buy stuff.

Anonymous said...

I would bet that 95% of us posting here would be shrieking with delight if PTI became a model company to deal with and the creativity went back to what it was. Heck, I would take on another job to buy MORE stuff.

Anonymous said...

I swear Rick is a girl. He even sounds like PTI!! Bu Buy

Anonymous said...

Just because you don't know the specifics of something doesn't mean you have to resort to wild speculation, as some here do. If you don't know facts, don't speculate. I don't know what magic "answers" some of you are hoping for from Rick or others, but it seems obvious to me that PTI is a company that got too popular too fast, and they made errors along the way, and messed things up. They need to revamp their CS, and it seems they are doing that, by hiring Dave instead of Jenn and setting up Zendesk.

Anonymous said...

The monthly releases are what cause slow shipping of those packages, but the monthly releases are also fun. I like getting new things every month. So the choice is to order at release, knowing it will take 10 days to 2 weeks for my package to arrive, or order at another time and get my package in about a week. My choice.

Anonymous said...

I hope Rick continues to post here. He has been helpful. I can respect that he doesn't want to be talking out of place.

Anonymous said...

anyone who wants to buy from PTI absolutely should do so and do so happily. Just realize that there is a small but real chance that your order will be wrong, delayed or have a defective product and that it will not get corrected to your satisfaction.

It is a roll of the dice and one of these days I am going to feel lucky.

Anonymous said...

Comparing PTI's release-time shipping to the shipping of other companies is like complaining that you had to wait in line for 4 hours to see Twilight at the midnight premiere, when you could have walked into some other movie with no wait. There's a reason there's a line for one and not for the other.

Anonymous said...

I see them now! Unicorns!

Anonymous said...

17:44 That's a whole lot of speculation inbetween hand slaps. It makes sense, but it's speculation just the same.

Anonymous said...

17:53 I am pretty sure at a midnight premier they will be showing the correct movie, it will start on time, and when they take my money they will not arrogantly say, "We will let you in this one time only, as a courtesy."

Anonymous said...

^^^ And if they promise free popcorn with ticket purchase ... they won't call me a liar at the concession stand.

Anonymous said...

but it seems obvious to me that PTI is a company that got too popular too fast, and they made errors along the way, and messed things up. They need to revamp their CS, and it seems they are doing that, by hiring Dave instead of Jenn and setting up Zendesk.

19 April 2012 17:44

And that my dear is utter BS. These "growing" problems have been an issue for at least 2008, as previously noted. 2008!!! It doesn't take 2 years or even 2 months to figure out how to get shit packed and to the PO timely. I know, I've done it for my living. Other companies do it for their living and do it well.

Hiring Dave and putting up Zendesk is just a concerted effort to quell the noise. They said as much in their sticky for gawd's sake.

And I'm sorry, but the monthly release is just another BS excuse. That kind of shipping turnaround is totally unacceptable in this day and age of automated postage and package pick-up. As i said before, it's either too few hands on deck or total disorganization. Or a combination of the two. And a TOTAL inability to respond to and manage known and expected workloads.

Anonymous said...

Club Scrap has a monthly release and routinely ships thousands of orders I a single day, and has for years. And lest you think it's because it's a kit club with all orders the same, they permit add-ons for free shipping with kit. I was a member for 9 years and my order was only late once.
How'd the do it? By hiring "seasonal" (monthly) employees to get the shipment out. It boggles my mind that PTI doesn't do this.

Anonymous said...

Come on, people. Waltzing Mouse was doing monthly releases from the UK and I always, always got my package from my release order from the UK to my US address in 7-8 days. PTI has NO excuse except total incompetence. Oh, and I don't think Claire has near the help.

Anonymous said...

^^^^ She says she has "an assistant." And I think that's just for packing orders.

SO sick of the growing pains line.

Anonymous said...

Claire is also completely, utterly delightful. THAT is a courtesy to me.

Donna C. said...

Claire sure knows how to treat her customers.

Anonymous said...

18:27 - either an inability to, or an unwillingness to.

Or both.

Anonymous said...

Okay so we have discussed it to death. In conclusion, PTI has no excuse for their craptastic CS & PR. Al in favor, say AYE.

Anonymous said...

^^ All. Doh.

Al is in favor, btw.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

AYE Cap'n, Arrrr! ;-)

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

I placed an order with WPlus9 today and I am going to compare it to my last PTI order. I'm teetering on the edge of placing an order because I want that damn strawberry set.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Tired of scrolling.

Unknown said...

Aye. I miss the funny things y'all would say and words like twatwaffle. Good times.

Anonymous said...

Can we come up with the best use of "twatwaffle" in a sentence?

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